Effective IT governance offers your business the freedom and opportunity to execute and innovate within a given set of business constraints. 有效的IT治理向您的企业提供自由和机会来在已知的业务约束之中执行并改革。
Economic freedom had not been matched by respect of fundamental norms of "integrity and propriety", the report says, calling for a strengthening of "business ethics and investor protection" as well as transparency. 报告称,经济自由缺乏与之相应的对“诚信得体”等基本规范的尊重,它呼吁在提高透明度的同时,加强“商业伦理和对投资者的保护”。
You will have the freedom to enjoy the profits of your own work, and the continuing growth and profit which comes from owning your own business. 你会有充分的自由,享受成功带来的快乐,也可以享受拥有自己的事业并使其不断发展赢利给你带来的快乐。
Building the infrastructure of freedom and the rule of law will be a painstaking and painful business. 建立法治,建立自由的根基,将是一项痛苦而艰巨的任务。
For I was preaching the gospel of independence, freedom and risk-taking, while they were entombed in the cosy, airless coffin of big business. 因为我所宣讲的是独立、自由和冒险的信条,而他们却已被埋葬在大企业温暖、密不透风的坟墓里。
It has been difficult for people to think that they have the freedom to borrow a bit of money off their house to start a business, she said. 她表示:人们很难认为,他们可以自由地从自己的住宅那里借点钱去创业。
Our main objective is to create a common economic space and guarantee freedom of movement for our people, as advocated by our business, cultural and scientific communities. 我们的主要目标是创建一个共同的经济空间,并保证我们人民的活动自由,正如我们的商界、文化界和科学界所倡导的那样。
But as a legal system for the freedom of international business, anti-dumping law is short of theoretic basis and is closely connected with trade protectionism. 然而,反倾销法作为一种服务于国际贸易自由化宗旨的一种法律制度,在理论上的依据颇有欠缺,而且它从诞生的那一天起就与贸易保护主义结下了不解之缘。
Fourth is the research of contrast between the civil rights to access information and related concepts such as freedom of expression and the right of participating Political business. 第四,公民信息获取权与一些相关概念如表达自由权、参政权的关系辨析;
In terms of business, he stresses on the merchandise circulation, highly promotes business freedom management and pays attention to the macroscopic control and the standard of business activity. 在商业经济方面,他重视商品流通,力倡商业自由经营,并注重对商业活动的宏观调控和规范。
The "contract freedom" means that the party concerned have the right according to the freedom of own will to decide contract contents, the others have no business to interfere with. 契约自由意味着当事人有根据自己的意志决定合同内容的自由,其他任何人无权干涉。
With the development of finance freedom and world economy integrative trend, commercial bank has overstepped its original business and become the finance supermarket which involves all kinds of business in western country. 目前,在西方国家,商业银行的业务范围已经超出了它的本源,发展成从事各类业务的金融百货公司。
Mandatory rules reflected mainly in investment freedom, business freedom, freedom of business forms, as well as their own articles of incorporation, corporate executives and management autonomy of the two major areas of operation. 公司法授权性规范主要存在于体现投资自由、经营范围自由、经营形式自由以及公司章程自主、公司高管自治的经营与管理两大领域。
Uphold the freedom of literary, independent, serious and hope that the literature keep away from the auction business, political strife. 坚持文学的自由、独立、严肃,希望文学远离商业竞卖、政治争斗。